This blog is dedicated to all those who suffered abuse at the hands of shameless Rabbis and religious institutions. May the all merciful G-D, King of all kings, be there to comfort his most prized possessions, HIS CHILDREN!!!!!!!
Thank the Lord. Lebevitz is a scum bag. He thought he had a free ticket to molest kiddies as he pleases. He calculated his neighbors would look away - which they did - but he didn't evaluate the jaws of justice will catch up to him several years later. Thank the lord for that. And cursed be those who enabled him to commit his atrocious acts for so long!
Two New York men arrested in last year’s massive FBI sting pleaded guilty in federal court in Trenton today, saying they supplied cash to a money-laundering operation allegedly run by a Monmouth County rabbi.The guilty pleas by Yeshaye Ehrental, 66, and Schmuel Cohen, 25, marked two of the first significant developments on the money-laundering end of the sprawling investigation that led to charges against rabbis, mayors and state legislators.In separate hearings before U.S. District Judge Joel A. Pisano, Ehrental and Cohen said they illegally supplied hundreds of thousands of dollars to Rabbi Eliahu Ben Haim, who is accused of using religious charities to launder $1.5 million for a government informant, according to U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman.Ben Haim’s lawyer, Lawrence S. Lustberg, declined to comment today. During a bail hearing last month, the attorney indicated that the rabbi may also plead guilty, saying he had been engaging in "constructive" negotiations with prosecutors.Ben Haim was among five rabbis charged in the epic sting. The probe hinged on Solomon Dwek, a former rabbinical student from the borough of Deal who began secretly recording conversations for prosecutors after being charged with bank fraud in 2006. His work ensnared 46 people, including politicians charged with taking bribes and rabbis accused of laundering money.Ehrental and Cohen, an Israeli citizen, are the 15th and 16th people to plead guilty in the case. One defendant, former Jersey City Deputy mayor Leona Beldini, was convicted.During today’s hearings, Ehrental and Cohen said they worked a contact in Israel to supply Ben Haim with cash, which authorities say the rabbi used to launder checks for Dwek. In some cases, the informant claimed he needed to hide the money from a bankruptcy proceeding. Others times, Dwek said the checks came from criminal schemes, including the sale of knock-off Gucci and Prada handbags.
I personally would have went for the miniature hot dogs instead of the steak. It's as a close a feeling you can get without digging my hands into little 10 year old boys' pants.
What on earth is wrong with our legal system ?????? How can a pervert like this be back on the streets??????? If he does this again, and he most likely will, then he should be put away for the rest of his life. jailed for sexual contact with boys is back homePosted: April 14, 2010 11:15 PMRabbi WeissRabbi WeissCOLONIE, N.Y. -- The Colonie rabbi sentenced last month and sent to jail for having inappropriate sexual contact with young boys is already back home.The Albany County District Attorney's office confirms 28-year old Rabbi Yaakov Weiss was released from jail Wednesday. Earlier this year, Weiss pleaded guilty to having contact with boys on multiple occasions.The DA's office says Weiss was sentenced back on March 8th and should have served two-thirds or 40 days of his sentence, which would be April 17.It's not clear why he was home early, but neighbors who did not want to be identified"I'm just concerned for my children," one neighbor said. "I don't want them to lose their innocence. They keep asking questions."As part of his sentence, the rabbi must now serve three years probation, and register as a sex offender.
Why is Nussbaum still teaching at yob? Just goes to show the jews don't give a crap about molestation when it concerns one of their own.
Why is Nussbaum still teaching at yob?Because "Rabbi" Shlomo Mandel is a rasha gamur and should be jailed for endangering other kids and for his own abuse he dishes out.
9th annual ‘Release the Light’ at Marywood heightens awareness of assaults.BEN FREDA Times Leader CorrespondentSCRANTON – A program Wednesday afternoon at Marywood University was meant to heighten awareness of sexual and physical violence.“The purpose of Release the Light has been to raise the consciousness to the campus and community about sexual assault and also to get information out for people who are victims of any kind of relationship violence or sexual assault,” said Barbara Decker, assistant director of Marywood’s counseling/student development center.“We encourage college students, innocent bystanders, friends, colleagues, perpetrators, or victims to speak out and be assertive so that we can bring down relationships that are violent,” Decker added.The university’s Sexual Assault Awareness Task Force coordinated the program, which was sponsored by The Red Flag Campaign based in Virginia.Speakers included Geri Barber from the University of Scranton, who addressed anyone who was a victim of sexual assault.“First and foremost, you’re not alone,” she assured. “There are people who care…Your feelings do matter.“All is not lost,” she continued, adding, “There is life after sexual assault.”She stressed that victims of assault need to “facilitate healing.”Amanda Hart, a Marywood graduate and member of the Women’s Resources Center, discussed the Red Flag Campaign, and how to recognize when one is being verbally abused in a relationship.“We all share responsibility in our words and actions to lead a good example,” Hart emphasized...Find this article at:
Baruch Lebovits got away for god knows how long. PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY KNEW! WHAT DOES THIS SAY ABOUT THE JEWS?
My childhood chaver, Rav Shloime Mandel, says Lebovovits' accuser read too many fair tales and made the whole thing up. Meanwhile I'm shivering in my getchkes hoping the detectives don't come down 47th street knocking on my door. The Noviminsker shlita already advised me that technically I'm more in Kensington than boro park and no need for him to get involved. ---------------------------------------Rabbi gets maximum sentence in molestation caseApril 13, 2010(JTA) -- A Brooklyn rabbi was given the maximum prison sentence for sexually assaulting a male teenager.Rabbi Baruch Lebovits was sentenced to 10 years and eight months to 32 years in prison on Monday by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Patricia DiMango, the New York Daily News reported. He received consecutive sentences on eight counts of sexual abuse.Lebovits, the father of seven and grandfather of 24, declined to address the court before the sentence was pronounced. The rabbi, who owns a travel agency in Borough Park, was convicted early last month of sexually molesting the Jewish teen in 2004 and 2005. The victim, now 22, testified in court that the rabbi assaulted him in his car several times over a 10-month period, luring him into the vehicle with promises that he could drive, the Daily News reported.The rabbi told authorities that he had been a victim of sexual abuse as a youngster, according to Lebovits' probation report, which was read in court, the Daily News reported.Lebovits is awaiting trial on charges of molesting two other minors.
One by one every last molester will get his dues despite harsh attempts by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz and Agudah to block Markey's bill.
Over the weekend, Pope Benedict XVI met privately with a small group of victims of sexual abuse by priests, during a visit to Malta.According to the New York Times, the Pope “was deeply moved by their stories and expressed his shame and sorrow over what victims and their families have suffered,” the Vatican said in a statement after Benedict met with eight Maltese men who said they were molested by priests as youths in a Malta orphanage.“He prayed with them and assured them that the church is doing, and will continue to do, all in its power to investigate allegations, to bring to justice those responsible for abuse and to implement effective measures designed to safeguard young people in the future,” the statement continued.This was the first foreign trip that the Pope has made since the latest scandal erupted, and it’s a good sign that he met with victims and “expressed his shame and sorrow.” For those of us who have been concerned by the Church’s response to the sex abuse scandal, this is progress--and we should say so. Maybe if the Church hears some positive feedback when it reaches out and tries to repair the harm that’s been done, it will continue to do so in bigger and better ways. This was a solid first step, and I hope there are more meetings, both private and public, to follow. Truth About AgudahRabbinic Sex Abuse In Ultra-Orthodox Judaism· February 2006 – An Askan meets with Rabbi Yaakov Perlow and pleads with him to get involved in this matter. Rabbi Perlow refuses on the basis of his being a Yuchid and this being a Tzibur matter. After being pressed further Rabbi Perlow takes his final stand that this is a Flatbush matter and as he is a Boro Park Rabbi it would be unseemly for him to get involved in this matter.· March 2006 – Rabbi Lipa Margulies reaches a standstill agreement with the Askonim by committing to appear before a panel consisting of two Rabbonim and one Frum lawyer, all three of whom had been chosen by him. Rabbi Lipa Margulies reneges on his promise to appear before this panel.· March 23, 2006 – A Hazmana to a Din Torah is sent to Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, Rabbi Lipa Margulies and Yeshiva Torah Temimah summoning them to a Din Torah before the Bais Din of Mechon L’Hoyroa or a Bais Din of ZBLA. The Hazmana is ignored by all the defendants.· March 30, 2006 – A second Hazmana to a Din Torah is sent to Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, Rabbi Lipa Margulies and Yeshiva Torah Temimah summoning them to a Din Torah before the Bais Din of Mechon L’Hoyroa or a Bais Din of ZBLA. By fax sent on April 5, 2006, Rabbi Lipa Margulies responds to this Hazmana stating he will not appear for a Din Torah “without a prior determination of the charges against Rabbi Kolko.” Rabbi Kolko continues to ignore the Hazmanas.· April 6, 2006 – A third Hazmana to a Din Torah is sent to Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, Rabbi Lipa Margulies and Yeshiva Torah Temimah summoning them to a Din Torah before the Bais Din of Mechon L’Hoyroa or a Bais Din of ZBLA. By fax sent on April 10, 2006, Rabbi Lipa Margulies responds to this Hazmana by stating “the Hazmonah that you sent to us was not a valid Hazmonah.” Rabbi Kolko does not respond at all. It is of note that Rabbi Yehuda Kolko is still teaching in Yeshiva Torah Temimah while these exchange are taking place.
I do gemilas chasodim and daven 17 times a day, but if a victim of sex abuse by his Rav or Rebbe seeks my intervention, I will refuse to help that fellow.Am I not considered still an erlicheh yid?, April 20, 2010 Adam Dickter Assistant Managing Editor Ramping up the fight against sexual abuse of children in Brooklyn’s Orthodox community, a volunteer patrol group is for the first time publicly advising the community to report suspected molesters to the police. The group, Flatbush Shomrim, cited advice from rabbinic authorities in making the announcement. “Report all suspicious activity to the police first by calling 911,” reads an April 15 statement by Shomrim that was posted on the website Yeshiva World News. After calling the police, the group then advises Flatbush residents to call Shomrim’s confidential emergency hotline for advice. The same message also implores pedophiles to seek help. “If you feel the need to abuse or behave inappropriately against someone, get help now!” it reads. “Therapy will help you. If you don’t get help, you will be caught. When a call comes into our hotline we will respond and find you. In accordance with Daas Torah, you will be arrested and prosecuted.” How to handle cases of abuse within halachic communities —balancing the need to protect children with the traditional reluctance to subject a fellow Jew to the secular justice system — has been a flashpoint between abuse survivors, victims’ families and activists on one side versus those who believe the problem can be handled within the community with spiritual counseling and behavioral therapy. Reluctance to report Orthodox abusers led Brooklyn District Attorney’s Charles J. Hynes to create a hotline, Kol Tzedek, intended to encourage victims to come forward.
The Shomrim message drew praise from Survivors for Justice, a group that has been critical of any Jewish communal effort against abuse that does not involve police. “The Flatbush Shomrim’s message will help people gain the courage to do the right thing and report abusers to the authorities,” said the group’s president, Ben Hirsch, in a statement. “Established halacha (Jewish Law) clearly dictates an obligation to protect our community by reporting pedophiles to the police.” Hirsch cited Rabbi Shalom Yosef Elyashiv, a 100-year-old halachic arbiter in Jerusalem and a leader of the Degel Hatorah religious political party, as a proponent of reporting suspected abusers to the police. “We are pleased that some, albeit unnamed, Flatbush ultra-Orthodox rabbis are now encouraging the reporting of sexual abuse to the police,” Hirsch said. “We remain very troubled by the lack of courage shown by these local rabbis who choose to remain anonymous and the steadfast refusal of our rabbinic leadership to come out publicly in support of established halacha which mandates the reporting of abusers to the police. In response to an inquiry by The Jewish Week, Shomrim founder Chaim Deutsch released a statement via e-mail that said, in part: "The Flatbush Shomrim sees firsthand what devastation abuse can cause, not only to the victims and their families, but to the community as a whole and even the perpetrators and their families. "Because of this, we must take a proactive role in educating parents about how to protect their children, this includes reporting abuse directly to the authorities. Our Rabbinical leaders have urged us to advise the community that it is not only halachically permissible, but mandated." As of Tuesday Yeshiva World News was the only Orthodox news organization to publish the statement, which had been widely distributed. Deutsch told The Jewish Week his hotline had been inundated with congratulatory calls since the post appeared, and some 18 comments below the item were all positive. One reader, identified as MazelKGH, wrote, “Albeit many years too late — It is about time!!” Deutsch said the policy was not new and that in its 18 years Shomrim has always counseled those reporting abuse to go to the authorities. However, he said it was the first time the group has posted a public statement to that effect. “Since it’s before the summer, when you have children playing in the park, we felt it was appropriate to publicize what to look for and what to do,” said Deutsch. “We felt it was time to send a message.” Ben Zion Twerski, an Orthodox psychotherapist, said that therapy for those who feel compelled to commit pedophilia and have yet to act can be successful in some cases, but that there are very few practitioners capable of carrying out such therapy. And for those who take on such patients, he said, it is difficult to predict whether the outcome will be successful. “It’s a question of estimating risk,” he said. “We all want to reduce the risk to absolute zero, but how realistic is that?” Deutsch said the organization usually gets about a dozen complaints a year involving sexual abuse and regularly consults with rabbinic authorities, which he declined to identify. The Shomrim, which is not affiliated with similarly named community patrols in other Orthodox neighborhoods, primarily responds to quality-of-life concerns and enjoys good relations with local police commanders. Its members are trained to observe and report criminal activity and to perform light rescue work or first aid. During Passover the group organized hundreds of volunteers to search for an autistic boy who disappeared from his home and was later found by police on the subway. Shomrim members are also trained to respond with sensitivity to cases involving possible domestic or sexual abuse. Deutsch said occasional seminars are held with mental health professionals.
Marci Hamilton, author of the book “Justice Denied: What America Must Do to Protect Its Children” and a professor at Benjamin N. Cardozo Law School welcomed the Shomrim announcement. “This is what every religious group should be doing,” said Hamilton, who is an activist on behalf of a state law, stalled in the Legislature, that would suspend the statute of limitations for complaints of sexual abuse. “What has been disappointing in other religious groups like the Catholic Church and the Mormon Church is that their rule has been only going to authorities if state law requires [doing so.] “Once we have religious groups saying go to the authorities we are going to have a lot more children being protected.” In addition to warning pedophiles, The Yeshiva World message also urges parents to encourage their kids to report inappropriate behavior by adults and warns them not to send children to park restrooms or on car-service trips unsupervised. “The summer months are approaching and our children will be out on the streets,” the Shomrim warn. “Teach them to protect themselves from being touched improperly or spoken to inappropriately. An offender’s work may take just minutes. The effect it leaves lasts a lifetime.”
Pope accepts resignation of Irish Bishop following sex abuse report
2 NY teachers charged in separate sex abuse casesAssociated Press - April 21, 2010 10:45 PM ETNEW YORK (AP) - Authorities say two elementary public school teachers in Queens have been accused of sexually abusing students.Queens District Attorney Richard Brown says 38-year-old Simon Watts, a fourth-grade teacher at P.S. 15, was arraigned Wednesday on charges of sex abuse and endangering the welfare of a minor.Brown says Watts fondled five female students, ages 8 to 10, inside his classroom between September 2007 and March 2010.A second teacher, 41-year-old Christine Williams, is accused of twice having sex with a 15-year-old male student at her home this year. Brown says the victim was a friend of the family.The fifth grade teacher at P.S. 80 was charged Monday with rape and endangering the welfare of a child.The names of both teachers' lawyers were not immediately available.
Opinion: The next step in preventing sexual abuseIn Opinion, Sexual abuse on April 21, 2010 at 7:31 pmby Ben HirschIssue of April 23, 2010/ 5 Iyar 5770Last week, the Flatbush Shomrim issued an alert – a warning – to sex offenders that they would be arrested and prosecuted. The alert also instructed people to report sex crimes directly to the police. Judging from the positive blog posts and the flood of appreciative calls to the Shomrim hotline (to which I was in some cases privy) this message is a welcome one in our community. Indeed, the spate of recent arrests and convictions of those who have preyed sexually on young people seem to be a clear indication that, despite long-held communal norms and pressures, people are gaining the courage to do the right thing and report abusers to the authorities. The endorsement of this behavior by a trusted communal organization whose mission often puts it on the front lines dealing with this issue will, I believe, only reinforce this positive trend. However, in the midst of these positive developments, I am still left to wonder: where are the voices of our rabbinic leadership? While the Flatbush Shomrim alert seems to be endorsed by unnamed local rabbi(s), to date, not a single charedi rabbi has publicly expressed support for this position. Why?Established halacha (Jewish Law) places a pedophile in the category of rodef (a pursuer), in part due to a recidivism rate well in excess of 50-percent, and clearly dictates an obligation to protect our community by reporting pedophiles to the police. In his 2004 psak (ruling) on this issue, Rabbi Shalom Yosef Elyashiv states that one should report those who sexually abuse children to the police. He went on to say that doing so is of benefit to society. Why haven’t our rabbis been publicizing this?As reported in a New York Times article, “Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution” on October 13, 2009, David Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America said, “The district attorney should be careful not to be seen as making a power grab from rabbinic authority.” Zwiebel’s statement followed the joint statement of the Moetzes Gedolai HaTorah of Agudath Israel of America and the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah (The National Society for Hebrew Day Schools) in which they expressed their “vigorous” opposition to the Markey Bill, legislation that would extend the statute of limitations for the filing of criminal charges and civil claims in cases of childhood sexual abuse and open a limited one year window for currently time barred civil claims. In the statement, they explained that their decision was based on a fear of the “crippling financial liability” that could result from lawsuits that would jeopardize “the very existence” of yeshivas and communal institutions. Clearly they believe we have a serious problem.From statements like these, one does not have to be a cynic to conclude that the rabbinic establishment has a vested interest in keeping reports of abuse within the community. For leaders who could be facing criminal and civil liability, invoking concepts like mesira and chilul Hashem to stop people from reporting is little more than a form of self-protection. Self-protection that, as the past 40 years have shown, has come at the expense of the protection of our community’s children.
Relying on the members of the Agudah’s Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah and Torah Umesorah’s Vaad Roshei Yeshiva, Chasidic rebbes, and community leaders such as Rabbi Joshua (Shia) Fishman of Torah Umesorah (who among other things, assisted Lipa Margulies of Yeshiva Torah Temimah as he intimidated victims of Yehuda Kolko from 1984 until 2006) and Rabbi David Niederman of United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg (UJO) (who continues to actively protect pedophiles such as Rabbi Avrohom Reichman, still teaching in a Satmar boys school despite years of complaints) has netted our community the likes of Avrohom Mondrowitz (Chicago, IL, Brooklyn, NY and Jerusalem, Israel), Yehuda Kolko (Brooklyn, NY and Sullivan County, NY and Lakewood, NJ), Avrohom Reichman (Brooklyn, NY and Sullivan County, NY), Stephen Colmer (Brooklyn, NY, Passaic, NJ and Kiryat Sefer, Israel) Michael Sabo (Brooklyn, NY), Yona Weinberg (Brooklyn, NY), Israel Weingarten (New York, United Kingdom, Belgium and Israel) to name just a few.More importantly, the cover-ups have resulted in hundreds of victims whose abuse could have been prevented. Dealing with reports of sexual abuse internally covers-up the crime, usually with catastrophic results when the pedophile strikes again–something we are hearing about daily in reports about the Catholic Church and frighteningly in our own community as well.The Torah teaches us to avoid offering counsel in situations where we may be a Nogea B’Dovor (an interested party). This applies equally to rabbis, whom the Torah nowhere exempts from this rule. As such, because of their inherent conflicts of interest in this issue, I respectfully suggest that rabbis be precluded from being involved in this issue except in very limited ways–namely, encouraging people publicly and in private to go directly to the authorities and supporting them practically, emotionally and socially in that process.I continue to hope for a day when our rabbinic leadership will publicly praise those who have the courage to report abusers to the police and join in our efforts to make our community safer for children.In the meantime it’s up to us to lead by example. In the past few years more and more of us have been doing just that. We’ve created organizations whose mission is to support victims and their families who are dealing with cases of sexual abuse. These grassroots organizations provide referrals to mental health professionals, referrals to law enforcement as well as support and assistance as the case proceeds, support groups for survivors and their families, offer clinicians and advocates training to better deal with this issue and promote legislation that protect our children. These efforts are changing the way we as a community view and deal with this sensitive issue and in the words of Rabbi Shalom Yosef Elyashiv, in this there is a benefit to society.Ben Hirsch is the president of Survivors for Justice ( ), an organization that advocates on behalf of survivors of sexual abuse and their families in the Orthodox community.
He gave sexual abuse survivors such hope when he declared he would out all the yeshivot harboring molesters. Truth be told it was a lot of hogwash. I am very disappointed with his unfulfilled promises.
VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI admitted to world cardinals Monday that he led a "wounded and sinner" Church, as he marked five tumultuous years in charge, most recently mired in paedophile priest scandals.The pontiff "evoked the sins of the Church", describing it as "wounded and sinner" to some 50 cardinals gathered for his anniversary, the Vatican daily L'Osservatore Romano said.He "feels very strongly that he is not alone", the paper reported the pontiff as saying, he "has at his sides the whole college of cardinals who are sharing with him vicissitudes and reassurance". article:Shabbat Shalom
What is ever going to happen to the 'one year window' bill, does EM think it willever get passed?It's unfair to have so much suffering go unpunished, and even more brutal to have Aguda oppose it so fiercly.
I'm another sexual abuser.Ex-gov't man sentenced for sex crimes By JPOST.COM STAFF26/04/2010 Nissim Aharon abused women, would tell them his sperm were "holy.” Nissim Aharon, who defrauded women and families and stole their money, has been convicted for severe sexual crimes, including rape, sodomy and offensive behavior. After a media gag order on the case was lifted Monday, it was announced that Aharon had been sentenced to 10 years in jail for severe sexual crimes.Aharon impersonated a rabbi, a Mossad agent, and a Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) employee. Up until a year and a half ago, he was employed by the Defense Ministry. Aharon presented himself for 16 years as a holy spiritual rabbi with special healing powers, exploiting women and girls and telling them that “his sperm were holy.”. As per the court's decision, Aharon will be required to pay NIS 100,000 to the five women who filed the complaint against him. In a statement, the judges said, “His behavior is corrupt, and it can only be called monstrous. There aren’t enough words to describe the atrocity of his actions.” While pretending to be a rabbi, Ahraon reportedly proclaimed that it was forbidden to speak with him face-to-face, and would only accept telephone calls. When the innocent women would call the “rabbi” in order to ask for his help or opinion, Aharon would only permit the call after he had changed his voice and pretended to be the renowned “rabbi.”After many calls back and forth between the “rabbi” and the women, he would tell the women that his helper, Aharon, actually had special healing powers and if they had sexual relations with him, their problems would be answered. In one specific case, a female soldier called up the “rabbi” in order to ask for help in acquiring a certain position in the army. Aharon referred her to an “officer in that office,” who he impersonated when she proceeded to call the number. Aharon then proceeded to give the soldier special tasks to “prove her ability.” One of these tasks was to conduct a love affair with a person he directed her to - which was, of course, Aharon himself.Over the years, Aharon attracted a substantial following of people who believed in his ‘powers.’ These followers would approach him for advice and direction, and paid the suspect what collectively appears to be hundreds of thousands of shekels.“He is a sick con-man who has violated many families,” a source said of the suspect. Up until this point, 10 victims approached police to complain about Aharon’s deception, but the source believed that “this is only the tip of the iceberg. We can expect more victims to turn up in this case."
"This is illegal, what we're doing," Ben Haim, 58, of Long Branch said to Dwek on Oct. 31, 2007, according to court documents.A year earlier, Ben Haim, at the time the principal rabbi at the Congregation Ohel Yaacov in Deal, bluntly stated, "I'm a money launderer. . . . I'm going to be arrested."On July 23, 2009, Ben Haim and 43 others were arrested in a massive FBI sting that targeted political corruption and money laundering. Ben Haim has pleaded not guilty.Charged with laundering $1.5 million through Dwek, a failed real estate developer who turned government witness after being arrested by the FBI, Ben Haim has taken a leave of absence from the Ocean Avenue synagogue whose 2002 construction he helped supervise.His father, Haham Baruch Ben Haim, who died in 2005, was a highly respected rabbi and scholar who had led the congregation for 55 years.Earlier this month, three Brooklyn men — Yeshaye Ehrental, Schumel Cohen and Akiva Aryeh Weiss — pleaded guilty in federal court to transmitting up to $1.8 million to Ben Haim and Dwek, the government's key witness in the case against the rabbi. Ben Haim's lawyer, Lawrence S. Lustberg, recently requested a postponement of trial until May 31 to engage in additional plea negotiations.Should the case against Ben Haim go to trial, Dwek, Ehrental, Cohen and Weiss all could be witnesses against the rabbi..
I just wish they would shut down this hellhole already. Your talking daily physical abuse and we all know about the pedophiles in this "yeshiva" - not a place anyone should send a kid to.If they could amend to include a bill that extends the SOL then why are the Moetzes so afraid? Obviously they know it would be a train wreak for them. Abuse Rampant Across Denominations.By GolumbaApril 12, 2010, has done yeoman's work unfurling the hidden sex abuse in the Jewish community that's NOW going on, to the detriment of the children. This isn't about egregious abuse from 15 to 50 years ago, like the horrific Catholic history, but forums addressing crimes against New jersey children occuring NOW in Passaic, Lakewood and Teaneck. It's a familiar, but ghastly, routine: The victim reports the molestation to a rabbi, rather than face SHUNNING...not only for himself, but also for his entire family... by the whole community for bringing the crime to the attention of the police. When the rabbi takes the complaint of sexual abuse, the matter is covered up, handled "in house". Thanks to a new honesty, pedophile arrests are up 800% in Brooklyn, alone, amongst the Orthodox Jewish community.In Lakewood, N.J., the "Rome" of Orthodox Judaism, the arrest of a Yeshiva teacher for molesting a young boy was a beginning, just last July. Nonetheless, pressure remains to let the child victims suffer and to clear all criminal abuse through a rabbi, and a closed rabbinical court. As one blogger noted, these religious leaders deny that "pedophilia is not a right of those in authority". In New Jersey, all matters that have been brought before a rabbinical court involving sexual abuse need to be brought to the attention of the police and the district attorney. This is an ongoing criminal conspiracy if rabbinical authorities are covering up crimes against children. Where's the Grand Jury?Next: Brooklyn Orthodox sexual abuse and the good works of DA Charles "Joe" Hynes, a Catholic prosecutor with close ties to the new Orthodox reformers. A year ago he brought 26 sexual abuse cases against Yeshiva teachers, rabbis, camp counselors, merchants, and relatives of children. Yet, one Brooklyn rabbi cited Jewish law that calls for the killing of a Jew who informs on another Jew...even a pedophile. It gets worse.
Rubashkin Sentence Hearing Starting TodayCEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – The sentence hearing for Sholom Rubashkin is scheduled to start this morning in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, as the final stages of a lobbying and tefillah campaign on behalf of the ex-manager of the former Agriprocessors Inc. gains intensity in Jewish communities worldwide. Full articleHamodia 14 Iyar 5770 (28.04.2010)
Yob Sux:The powers in Albany evidently are being influenced by lobbyists from the Catholic and Jewish groups. They will catch a murderer 100 years later and prosecute, but a little boy or girl that grows up doesn't have that luxury. The SOL is a paradise haven for pedophiles. The yielding to any amendment which opens a window is a hurdle that one day may come to pass, but not without a humongous mountain to climb.
How Other Religious Organizations Echo the Roman Catholic Church's Rule Against Scandal, A Precept that Entrenches and Perpetuates Cycles of Child Sex Abuse: Orthodox Judaism, Part Two in a Two-Part SeriesBy MARCI A. HAMILTONThursday, April 29, 2010
What is ever going to happen to the 'one year window' bill, does EM think it willever get passed?I am cautiously optimistic. The fact is the cracks are opening ever so larger by the day. Soon the Torah midgets will dieand we'll be better off. There are many folks in a position to help. Unfortunately --- they have selfishly abstained from intervening, and as a result many souls have died. Shabbat Shalom
Cardinal William Levada, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has indicated that the Pope may apologise to victims of paedophile priests in June. Read the full transcript of his interview with Margaret Warner of PBS Newshour.Margaret asked: 'There are reports that the pope is going to make a general apology next June. A public apology at the conclusion of a Jubilee here, are those accurate? And if so what kind of apology?'Cardinal Levada responded: 'You know I'm not a good prophet. The Pope, he's Pope, and I'm the head of this congregation. I tell him what I'm doing but he doesn't tell me everything he is going to do, so whether he is going to do that or not we'll have to wait and see but I wouldn't be surprised.'He also indicated that he believes the sexual revolution of the 1960s is partly to blame for the crisis: 'I think the causes we will see go back to changes in society that the church and priests were not prepared for, particularly changes involving how to be a celibate person in a time of the sexual revolution, that's one of the causes I'd say.'He said the Pope is writing a 'beautiful' letter to the Catholic Church in Ireland, which has been particularly badly hit and where the Archbishop of Armagh is expected to resign soon. He said he found the Irish letter 'moving' and hinted that there may well be more episcopal resignations. He said the Pope was prepared to ask bishops to resign where they did not go voluntarily.After the Wednesday audience in Rome today, the Pope met Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a former winner of The Times Preacher of the Year Award. Rabbi Shmuley urged him to restore family values to the heart of the church by making every Friday a special family day. Rabbi Shmuley told me that he also met the Bishop of Sherborne Dr Graham Kings. I've put in a call to Dr Kings in Rome and will let you know what he says if he comes back to me!Technorati Tags: child abuse, Christianity, PBS Newshour, Pope, religion, Roman Catholic
5-year sentence handed to mother of Elior Chen's abuse victimsPublished: 05.02.10, 14:45 / Israel News Jerusalem District Court Judge Zvi Segal sentenced M., the mother of the children abused in the "abusive rabbi" case to five years in prison and two years on probation as part of a plea bargain. The judge ruled, "Reading the indictment evokes a range of varied and powerful emotions, as well as shuddering and horror that the mother of eight small children abandoned them entirely to the care of (Elior) Chen, and carried out his will as if under a spell, absent of any capacity for judgment or distinguishing between permissible and forbidden." (Aviad Glickman)
i proomese i vusnt de driver who leftthe caar bomb in times sqver. i vus mit yudi kolko on motzey shbbes trying to make a cemp fer boys.
Good source of information here.Alleged and Convicted Sex Offender Registry Clergy Abuse: Rabbis, Cantors & Other Trusted Officials Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people; neither shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thy neighbor" (Leviticus 19:16).
TAMPA - Nosson Deitsch was following a family tradition.Of the 12 sons and daughters Zalman Deitsch, one of Brooklyn's leading Jewish scholars, 10 were rabbis or married to rabbis, said Nechemia Deitsch, one of Nosson's older brothers.Nosson Deitsch, the youngest sibling at 21, was studying at the Lubavitch Yeshiva in Miami, his older brother said. Nosson was almost finished with his studies and about to be ordained as a rabbi.Now he is being mourned.On Sunday, Nosson Deitsch was operating a personal watercraft on the north side of the Courtney Campbell Causeway, where he was struck by another personal watercraft, Tampa police said. Deitsch was knocked into the water. He was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital by Tampa Fire Rescue and later pronounced dead. The police department's Marine Patrol is investigating.Moshe Weiff, 19, of Miami, was driving the other personal watercraft, said Tampa Police spokeswoman Laura McElroy. If someone were driving a personal watercraft recklessly, that would constitute a crime, McElroy said. The state attorney's office, she said, would decide whether to charge anyone, McElroy said.Deitsch was in the area helping the Brandon Chabad during the Jewish holiday of Lag B'omer, according to Rabbi Mendel Rubashkin, who is also Deitsch's cousin."He came to give a little spark and support to our community," said Rubashkin.Deitsch had been talking about going on a Jet Ski since arriving here on Wednesday, said Rubashkin."He was really looking forward to it," the rabbi said.Rubashkin remembers his cousin as a "gregarious young man."He was always the life of the party," said Rubashkin. "But he took his studies seriously."Deitsch had gone to Miami from his native Brooklyn not just to study, but also to serve as a mentor to younger students, according to rabbi Velvel Lipskier, of Chabad Miami."He chose to come here because he wanted to help out the younger students," said Lipskier. "The boys requested, specially, that he come to the Yeshiva here. They really loved him. He was a beautiful person."Though those who knew him say Deitsch always had a smile on his face but had to overcome some personal tragedy.He was particularly upset, say both Rubashkin and Lipskier, by the death of his father in 2007."He faced enough challenges in his life," said Rubashkin, "but instead of letting it get him down, he always picked up everyone else around him."Deitsch's older brother had fond memories."He was one of the most charismatic, friendly people," Nechemia Deitsch said of his brother. "He had friends all over the world. He was a social guy and one of the most learned."Choni Marozov, the husband of one of Nosson's first cousins, remembers him "as a very sweet boy.""He was a very kind individual," said Marozov, who lives in Los Angeles.The late Zalman Deitsch was in the textile business and a leader in Brooklyn's Chabad community, Marozov said."His dream was for his children to grow up to be not just rabbis, but to be leaders of the community and bring Jews closer to Judaism," he said.After a day playing on the water, Deitsch was supposed to go back to Brandon for a holiday barbecue, according to Rubashkin.Instead, the friends he made in Brandon traveled to Brooklyn, where Deitsch was scheduled to be buried Monday afternoon."Times like this are trying," said Rubashkin. "Whenever you see someone so young, a good student and a good person, have their life ended so tragically, the only respons
I am exctatic to have my dear friend, Moshe Hirsch, join me and my virgins.------------------------------Moshe Hirsch, an American-born anti-Zionist rabbi and close associate of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, has died in Jerusalem, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group said Monday. He was 86.Hirsch was a leading figure in Neturei Karta, a tiny ultra-Orthodox sect that opposes Israel's existence as a Jewish state and has embraced its enemies. He was born in New York and attended a rabbinical academy in New Jersey.Arafat, who died in 2004, appointed Hirsch his adviser on Jewish affairs.The group is known for its members' 2006 trip to Iran, where they embraced the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a Holocaust-denying conference. It also supports Gaza's Hamas rulers and the Lebanese Hezbollah militants.These alliances have drawn criticism even from other anti-Zionist Jewish groups, which believe that only the Messiah can establish a Jewish state.Neturei Karta, which is Aramaic for "Guardians of the City," was founded some 70 years ago in Jerusalem by Jews who opposed the drive to establish the state of Israel. Estimates of the group's size range from a few hundred to a few thousand. Hirsch was the son-in-law of the group's founder, Rabbi Aharon Katzenelbogen.Eida Haredit, an umbrella group of anti-Zionist Jewish sects, confirmed Hirsch died on Sunday.Hatem Abdel Qader, an adviser on Jerusalem affairs to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said he would take part in a Palestinian delegation to pay respects to the late rabbi."We consider Rabbi Hirsch a part of the Palestinian people," said Abdel Qader. "He is one of the Palestinian Jews whom we give all respect and this is to confirm that our problem is not with the Jews as a religion, it's with Zionism."Hirsch, who was buried Sunday, is survived by three children and a brother.
Get a load of this. The sex abuse issues are all the catholics making a big to do about us jews. We as holy people don't molest. Period!
We take no responsibility for this hit. Rav Belsky first sends Hazmanas before giving us the go ahead. In this case it was not such. -Jerusalem - An Israeli rabbi who founded a religious school for reformed criminals has been arrested on suspicion of wounding one of his students in a gangland style drive-by shooting, police said on Wednesday.Local media said the 47-year-old rabbi, who has not been named, was the masked motorcyclist who fired two rifle shots at seminary student Eliyahu Liberty, 23, wounding him in the leg."He is suspected of having fired from a motorcycle at one of his students," Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben Ruby told AFP.The attack took place in January but reports were banned by a court gag order which was only lifted on Tuesday. The rabbi was arrested last month.
Dear Exposemolesters, I happened on this blog surfing for molesters in my area.I am deeply sorry for the terrible way abuse is shoved aside causing such intense pain and anguish.As a molest victim myself, I totally understand the lobbying on behalf of the silenced men and women. In my eyes you are a champion.Please continue on and GOD BLESS! We AreSFJ is an advocacy, educational and support organization for survivors of sexual abuse and their families from the Orthodox Jewish world.SFJ sees itself as the address for people from Orthodox Jewish communities who are looking for help and guidance with the issue of abuse within the Orthodox community. Working closely with qualified mental health, law enforcement, legal and media professionals, we respond to the needs and desires of individual victims and then help them formulate and pursue a plan of action (whether it's finding a therapist, filing a report with the police, responding effectively to threats and intimidation, filing a civil suit, speaking to the media, etc.).We also develop and implement programs run by experts in various fields to help educate and empower members of the community. We offer survivor support groups, as well as support groups for parents. For those in the field we sponsor an 8-week course taught by experts in the field of trauma and sexual abuse geared toward mental health professionals and lay people who work on the front lines dealing with this issue in their communities. We also run summer education programs and discussion groups for mothers.Our aim with these programs is not only to educate people but to facilitate the creation of supportive networks within the community. We believe that the often paralyzing fear -- of being accused of being a moser, of not getting a "good shidduch", of social ostracism -- that prevents many victims from reporting can only be overcome when victims know they can rely on the social support of others.
An international expert on sexual abuse recovery is shocked by new ACC guidelines that require victims to be diagnosed with a mental injury to be eligible for compensation.American Mike Lew is a world renowned psychotherapist from Boston who was in Hamilton today leading a workshop for health professionals who work with male survivors of sexual abuse.He said New Zealand's compensation system was once a world leader."I travel the world taking these types of workshops and ACC's enlightened stance on sexual abuse survivors was pioneering in how it supported survivors, which in turn facilitated positive growth and healing," Mr Lew said.But ACC's new criteria were a "real tragedy that would cause tremendous suffering," he said.It also angers Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust (MSSAT) national manager Ken Clearwater."I have been to international workshops with Mike (Lew) and people were blown away by ACC's stance in the past – but now the Government is getting it all wrong and my major concern is that Nick Smith and the prime minister have been given misleading information in terms of clinical pathways," Mr Clearwater said.More than 80 doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and counsellors were taking part in today's workshop at Hamilton Gardens, where Mr Lew hopes to change attitudes about the way male survivors are supported by all health professionals."A lot of the pioneering work done on sexual abuse recovery was mainly by women for women – but we need to look at new models and recognise the different needs of males," Mr Lew said.One in six males is thought to have suffered some form of sexual abuse including child sexual abuse, rape, physical violence, emotional abuse and neglect.Mr Lew said there was a lot of "misinformation, fear and shame about what disclosure would mean" for male survivors."People wrongly believe a boy that's abused grows up to be an abuser – but that is not true."Most of them grow up to be protectors, it's a small minority that go the other way" he said.While Mr Lew works with both men and women who have been abused, he said males found it much harder to come forward."It's important to emphasise the strengths of male socialisation and not try and fit men into a model that doesn't fit," he said.It was important for health professionals to create respect and safety for clients."After that survivors themselves can go on to do extraordinary work."I think it's important to remember that for both males and females recovery is real – all of the work they do does pay off and life does get better," he said.
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Search For Missing Brooklyn Boy:
Baruch Lebovits Accused Of Hundreds Of Counts Of Child Rape And Abuse
FailedMessiah has the audio link to this monumental event.
September 12, 2009Orthodox Jewish community in Lakewood deals with sex abuse (by continuing to claim ignorance and telling more lies)By ZACH PATBERGSTAFF WRITERAt some point, amid battling a drug addiction and childhood memories of molestation, Shua Finkelstein wrote a letter. Discovered on his computer after he died Feb. 28 from an overdose of pain killers, the letter admonished his Orthodox Jewish community..."It is your duty as a Jew, as a human to find these people in our community and no longer let them live among us!!!" it read. On April 14, a few weeks after the letter became public online, the Finkelsteins' house was gutted by a fire while they were out of town for Passover. A police report cited arson as the likely cause. Authorities say they are still investigating.
What are the first three facts you can tell others? Fact one: Today, 95 percent of child molestation can be prevented. We have the knowledge to stop it. Fact two: Today, living in the United States, there are 39 million adults who have survived child sexual abuse. Fact three: Today, more than three million American children are victims. Most of them are children, struggling alone, believing there is no adult who can help them. To help prevent child molestation from happening to the children closest to you, begin by telling others the basic facts.
(Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute, Inc.)
If you were raped:
Protect Yourself Against Rape:
Watch your drink:
Watch out for each other:
If you start to feel sick or strange, tell a friend immediately! Date rape drugs can take effect in as little as 15 minutes. Trust your instincts! If you feel something is wrong, it probably is. Don't be afraid to make a scene and stand up for yourself. This could be the difference between life and death.
If you have any questions about sexual assault or need to talk about what has happened to you or a friend, call our 24-hour crisis line at (812) 336-0846.
Is child molestation a public health problem? It qualifies on two counts: damage to health and numbers of victims. Sexually abusing a child endangers that child's physical and emotional health. And, unfortunately, the number of victimized children is in the millions.
Thank the Lord. Lebevitz is a scum bag. He thought he had a free ticket to molest kiddies as he pleases. He calculated his neighbors would look away - which they did - but he didn't evaluate the jaws of justice will catch up to him several years later. Thank the lord for that. And cursed be those who enabled him to commit his atrocious acts for so long!
Two New York men arrested in last year’s massive FBI sting pleaded guilty in federal court in Trenton today, saying they supplied cash to a money-laundering operation allegedly run by a Monmouth County rabbi.
The guilty pleas by Yeshaye Ehrental, 66, and Schmuel Cohen, 25, marked two of the first significant developments on the money-laundering end of the sprawling investigation that led to charges against rabbis, mayors and state legislators.
In separate hearings before U.S. District Judge Joel A. Pisano, Ehrental and Cohen said they illegally supplied hundreds of thousands of dollars to Rabbi Eliahu Ben Haim, who is accused of using religious charities to launder $1.5 million for a government informant, according to U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman.
Ben Haim’s lawyer, Lawrence S. Lustberg, declined to comment today. During a bail hearing last month, the attorney indicated that the rabbi may also plead guilty, saying he had been engaging in "constructive" negotiations with prosecutors.
Ben Haim was among five rabbis charged in the epic sting. The probe hinged on Solomon Dwek, a former rabbinical student from the borough of Deal who began secretly recording conversations for prosecutors after being charged with bank fraud in 2006. His work ensnared 46 people, including politicians charged with taking bribes and rabbis accused of laundering money.
Ehrental and Cohen, an Israeli citizen, are the 15th and 16th people to plead guilty in the case. One defendant, former Jersey City Deputy mayor Leona Beldini, was convicted.
During today’s hearings, Ehrental and Cohen said they worked a contact in Israel to supply Ben Haim with cash, which authorities say the rabbi used to launder checks for Dwek. In some cases, the informant claimed he needed to hide the money from a bankruptcy proceeding. Others times, Dwek said the checks came from criminal schemes, including the sale of knock-off Gucci and Prada handbags.
I personally would have went for the miniature hot dogs instead of the steak. It's as a close a feeling you can get without digging my hands into little 10 year old boys' pants.
What on earth is wrong with our legal system ?????? How can a pervert like this be back on the streets??????? If he does this again, and he most likely will, then he should be put away for the rest of his life.
Rabbi jailed for sexual contact with boys is back home
Posted: April 14, 2010 11:15 PM
Rabbi Weiss
Rabbi Weiss
COLONIE, N.Y. -- The Colonie rabbi sentenced last month and sent to jail for having inappropriate sexual contact with young boys is already back home.
The Albany County District Attorney's office confirms 28-year old Rabbi Yaakov Weiss was released from jail Wednesday. Earlier this year, Weiss pleaded guilty to having contact with boys on multiple occasions.
The DA's office says Weiss was sentenced back on March 8th and should have served two-thirds or 40 days of his sentence, which would be April 17.
It's not clear why he was home early, but neighbors who did not want to be identified
"I'm just concerned for my children," one neighbor said. "I don't want them to lose their innocence. They keep asking questions."
As part of his sentence, the rabbi must now serve three years probation, and register as a sex offender.
Why is Nussbaum still teaching at yob? Just goes to show the jews don't give a crap about molestation when it concerns one of their own.
Why is Nussbaum still teaching at yob?
Because "Rabbi" Shlomo Mandel is a rasha gamur and should be jailed for endangering other kids and for his own abuse he dishes out.
9th annual ‘Release the Light’ at Marywood heightens awareness of assaults.
BEN FREDA Times Leader Correspondent
SCRANTON – A program Wednesday afternoon at Marywood University was meant to heighten awareness of sexual and physical violence.
“The purpose of Release the Light has been to raise the consciousness to the campus and community about sexual assault and also to get information out for people who are victims of any kind of relationship violence or sexual assault,” said Barbara Decker, assistant director of Marywood’s counseling/student development center.
“We encourage college students, innocent bystanders, friends, colleagues, perpetrators, or victims to speak out and be assertive so that we can bring down relationships that are violent,” Decker added.
The university’s Sexual Assault Awareness Task Force coordinated the program, which was sponsored by The Red Flag Campaign based in Virginia.
Speakers included Geri Barber from the University of Scranton, who addressed anyone who was a victim of sexual assault.
“First and foremost, you’re not alone,” she assured. “There are people who care…Your feelings do matter.
“All is not lost,” she continued, adding, “There is life after sexual assault.”
She stressed that victims of assault need to “facilitate healing.”
Amanda Hart, a Marywood graduate and member of the Women’s Resources Center, discussed the Red Flag Campaign, and how to recognize when one is being verbally abused in a relationship.
“We all share responsibility in our words and actions to lead a good example,” Hart emphasized...
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Baruch Lebovits got away for god knows how long. PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY KNEW! WHAT DOES THIS SAY ABOUT THE JEWS?
My childhood chaver, Rav Shloime Mandel, says Lebovovits' accuser read too many fair tales and made the whole thing up.
Meanwhile I'm shivering in my getchkes hoping the detectives don't come down 47th street knocking on my door.
The Noviminsker shlita already advised me that technically I'm more in Kensington than boro park and no need for him to get involved.
Rabbi gets maximum sentence in molestation case
April 13, 2010
(JTA) -- A Brooklyn rabbi was given the maximum prison sentence for sexually assaulting a male teenager.
Rabbi Baruch Lebovits was sentenced to 10 years and eight months to 32 years in prison on Monday by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Patricia DiMango, the New York Daily News reported. He received consecutive sentences on eight counts of sexual abuse.
Lebovits, the father of seven and grandfather of 24, declined to address the court before the sentence was pronounced. The rabbi, who owns a travel agency in Borough Park, was convicted early last month of sexually molesting the Jewish teen in 2004 and 2005. The victim, now 22, testified in court that the rabbi assaulted him in his car several times over a 10-month period, luring him into the vehicle with promises that he could drive, the Daily News reported.
The rabbi told authorities that he had been a victim of sexual abuse as a youngster, according to Lebovits' probation report, which was read in court, the Daily News reported.
Lebovits is awaiting trial on charges of molesting two other minors.
One by one every last molester will get his dues despite harsh attempts by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz and Agudah to block Markey's bill.
Over the weekend, Pope Benedict XVI met privately with a small group of victims of sexual abuse by priests, during a visit to Malta.
According to the New York Times, the Pope “was deeply moved by their stories and expressed his shame and sorrow over what victims and their families have suffered,” the Vatican said in a statement after Benedict met with eight Maltese men who said they were molested by priests as youths in a Malta orphanage.
“He prayed with them and assured them that the church is doing, and will continue to do, all in its power to investigate allegations, to bring to justice those responsible for abuse and to implement effective measures designed to safeguard young people in the future,” the statement continued.
This was the first foreign trip that the Pope has made since the latest scandal erupted, and it’s a good sign that he met with victims and “expressed his shame and sorrow.” For those of us who have been concerned by the Church’s response to the sex abuse scandal, this is progress--and we should say so. Maybe if the Church hears some positive feedback when it reaches out and tries to repair the harm that’s been done, it will continue to do so in bigger and better ways. This was a solid first step, and I hope there are more meetings, both private and public, to follow.
The Truth About Agudah
Rabbinic Sex Abuse In Ultra-Orthodox Judaism
· February 2006 – An Askan meets with Rabbi Yaakov Perlow and pleads with him to get involved in this matter. Rabbi Perlow refuses on the basis of his being a Yuchid and this being a Tzibur matter. After being pressed further Rabbi Perlow takes his final stand that this is a Flatbush matter and as he is a Boro Park Rabbi it would be unseemly for him to get involved in this matter.
· March 2006 – Rabbi Lipa Margulies reaches a standstill agreement with the Askonim by committing to appear before a panel consisting of two Rabbonim and one Frum lawyer, all three of whom had been chosen by him. Rabbi Lipa Margulies reneges on his promise to appear before this panel.
· March 23, 2006 – A Hazmana to a Din Torah is sent to Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, Rabbi Lipa Margulies and Yeshiva Torah Temimah summoning them to a Din Torah before the Bais Din of Mechon L’Hoyroa or a Bais Din of ZBLA. The Hazmana is ignored by all the defendants.
· March 30, 2006 – A second Hazmana to a Din Torah is sent to Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, Rabbi Lipa Margulies and Yeshiva Torah Temimah summoning them to a Din Torah before the Bais Din of Mechon L’Hoyroa or a Bais Din of ZBLA. By fax sent on April 5, 2006, Rabbi Lipa Margulies responds to this Hazmana stating he will not appear for a Din Torah “without a prior determination of the charges against Rabbi Kolko.” Rabbi Kolko continues to ignore the Hazmanas.
· April 6, 2006 – A third Hazmana to a Din Torah is sent to Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, Rabbi Lipa Margulies and Yeshiva Torah Temimah summoning them to a Din Torah before the Bais Din of Mechon L’Hoyroa or a Bais Din of ZBLA. By fax sent on April 10, 2006, Rabbi Lipa Margulies responds to this Hazmana by stating “the Hazmonah that you sent to us was not a valid Hazmonah.” Rabbi Kolko does not respond at all. It is of note that Rabbi Yehuda Kolko is still teaching in Yeshiva Torah Temimah while these exchange are taking place.
I do gemilas chasodim and daven 17 times a day, but if a victim of sex abuse by his Rav or Rebbe seeks my intervention, I will refuse to help that fellow.
Am I not considered still an erlicheh yid?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Adam Dickter
Assistant Managing Editor
Ramping up the fight against sexual abuse of children in Brooklyn’s Orthodox community, a volunteer patrol group is for the first time publicly advising the community to report suspected molesters to the police.
The group, Flatbush Shomrim, cited advice from rabbinic authorities in making the announcement.
“Report all suspicious activity to the police first by calling 911,” reads an April 15 statement by Shomrim that was posted on the website Yeshiva World News.
After calling the police, the group then advises Flatbush residents to call Shomrim’s confidential emergency hotline for advice. The same message also implores pedophiles to seek help.
“If you feel the need to abuse or behave inappropriately against someone, get help now!” it reads. “Therapy will help you. If you don’t get help, you will be caught. When a call comes into our hotline we will respond and find you. In accordance with Daas Torah, you will be arrested and prosecuted.”
How to handle cases of abuse within halachic communities —balancing the need to protect children with the traditional reluctance to subject a fellow Jew to the secular justice system — has been a flashpoint between abuse survivors, victims’ families and activists on one side versus those who believe the problem can be handled within the community with spiritual counseling and behavioral therapy.
Reluctance to report Orthodox abusers led Brooklyn District Attorney’s Charles J. Hynes to create a hotline, Kol Tzedek, intended to encourage victims to come forward.
The Shomrim message drew praise from Survivors for Justice, a group that has been critical of any Jewish communal effort against abuse that does not involve police.
“The Flatbush Shomrim’s message will help people gain the courage to do the right thing and report abusers to the authorities,” said the group’s president, Ben Hirsch, in a statement. “Established halacha (Jewish Law) clearly dictates an obligation to protect our community by reporting pedophiles to the police.”
Hirsch cited Rabbi Shalom Yosef Elyashiv, a 100-year-old halachic arbiter in Jerusalem and a leader of the Degel Hatorah religious political party, as a proponent of reporting suspected abusers to the police.
“We are pleased that some, albeit unnamed, Flatbush ultra-Orthodox rabbis are now encouraging the reporting of sexual abuse to the police,” Hirsch said. “We remain very troubled by the lack of courage shown by these local rabbis who choose to remain anonymous and the steadfast refusal of our rabbinic leadership to come out publicly in support of established halacha which mandates the reporting of abusers to the police.
In response to an inquiry by The Jewish Week, Shomrim founder Chaim Deutsch released a statement via e-mail that said, in part:
"The Flatbush Shomrim sees firsthand what devastation abuse can cause, not only to the victims and their families, but to the community as a whole and even the perpetrators and their families.
"Because of this, we must take a proactive role in educating parents about how to protect their children, this includes reporting abuse directly to the authorities. Our Rabbinical leaders have urged us to advise the community that it is not only halachically permissible, but mandated."
As of Tuesday Yeshiva World News was the only Orthodox news organization to publish the statement, which had been widely distributed.
Deutsch told The Jewish Week his hotline had been inundated with congratulatory calls since the post appeared, and some 18 comments below the item were all positive. One reader, identified as MazelKGH, wrote, “Albeit many years too late — It is about time!!”
Deutsch said the policy was not new and that in its 18 years Shomrim has always counseled those reporting abuse to go to the authorities. However, he said it was the first time the group has posted a public statement to that effect.
“Since it’s before the summer, when you have children playing in the park, we felt it was appropriate to publicize what to look for and what to do,” said Deutsch. “We felt it was time to send a message.”
Ben Zion Twerski, an Orthodox psychotherapist, said that therapy for those who feel compelled to commit pedophilia and have yet to act can be successful in some cases, but that there are very few practitioners capable of carrying out such therapy. And for those who take on such patients, he said, it is difficult to predict whether the outcome will be successful.
“It’s a question of estimating risk,” he said. “We all want to reduce the risk to absolute zero, but how realistic is that?”
Deutsch said the organization usually gets about a dozen complaints a year involving sexual abuse and regularly consults with rabbinic authorities, which he declined to identify.
The Shomrim, which is not affiliated with similarly named community patrols in other Orthodox neighborhoods, primarily responds to quality-of-life concerns and enjoys good relations with local police commanders. Its members are trained to observe and report criminal activity and to perform light rescue work or first aid. During Passover the group organized hundreds of volunteers to search for an autistic boy who disappeared from his home and was later found by police on the subway.
Shomrim members are also trained to respond with sensitivity to cases involving possible domestic or sexual abuse. Deutsch said occasional seminars are held with mental health professionals.
Marci Hamilton, author of the book “Justice Denied: What America Must Do to Protect Its Children” and a professor at Benjamin N. Cardozo Law School welcomed the Shomrim announcement.
“This is what every religious group should be doing,” said Hamilton, who is an activist on behalf of a state law, stalled in the Legislature, that would suspend the statute of limitations for complaints of sexual abuse. “What has been disappointing in other religious groups like the Catholic Church and the Mormon Church is that their rule has been only going to authorities if state law requires [doing so.]
“Once we have religious groups saying go to the authorities we are going to have a lot more children being protected.”
In addition to warning pedophiles, The Yeshiva World message also urges parents to encourage their kids to report inappropriate behavior by adults and warns them not to send children to park restrooms or on car-service trips unsupervised.
“The summer months are approaching and our children will be out on the streets,” the Shomrim warn. “Teach them to protect themselves from being touched improperly or spoken to inappropriately. An offender’s work may take just minutes. The effect it leaves lasts a lifetime.”
Pope accepts resignation of Irish Bishop following sex abuse report
2 NY teachers charged in separate sex abuse cases
Associated Press - April 21, 2010 10:45 PM ET
NEW YORK (AP) - Authorities say two elementary public school teachers in Queens have been accused of sexually abusing students.
Queens District Attorney Richard Brown says 38-year-old Simon Watts, a fourth-grade teacher at P.S. 15, was arraigned Wednesday on charges of sex abuse and endangering the welfare of a minor.
Brown says Watts fondled five female students, ages 8 to 10, inside his classroom between September 2007 and March 2010.
A second teacher, 41-year-old Christine Williams, is accused of twice having sex with a 15-year-old male student at her home this year. Brown says the victim was a friend of the family.
The fifth grade teacher at P.S. 80 was charged Monday with rape and endangering the welfare of a child.
The names of both teachers' lawyers were not immediately available.
Opinion: The next step in preventing sexual abuse
In Opinion, Sexual abuse on April 21, 2010 at 7:31 pm
by Ben Hirsch
Issue of April 23, 2010/ 5 Iyar 5770
Last week, the Flatbush Shomrim issued an alert – a warning – to sex offenders that they would be arrested and prosecuted. The alert also instructed people to report sex crimes directly to the police. Judging from the positive blog posts and the flood of appreciative calls to the Shomrim hotline (to which I was in some cases privy) this message is a welcome one in our community. Indeed, the spate of recent arrests and convictions of those who have preyed sexually on young people seem to be a clear indication that, despite long-held communal norms and pressures, people are gaining the courage to do the right thing and report abusers to the authorities. The endorsement of this behavior by a trusted communal organization whose mission often puts it on the front lines dealing with this issue will, I believe, only reinforce this positive trend. However, in the midst of these positive developments, I am still left to wonder: where are the voices of our rabbinic leadership? While the Flatbush Shomrim alert seems to be endorsed by unnamed local rabbi(s), to date, not a single charedi rabbi has publicly expressed support for this position. Why?
Established halacha (Jewish Law) places a pedophile in the category of rodef (a pursuer), in part due to a recidivism rate well in excess of 50-percent, and clearly dictates an obligation to protect our community by reporting pedophiles to the police. In his 2004 psak (ruling) on this issue, Rabbi Shalom Yosef Elyashiv states that one should report those who sexually abuse children to the police. He went on to say that doing so is of benefit to society. Why haven’t our rabbis been publicizing this?
As reported in a New York Times article, “Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution” on October 13, 2009, David Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America said, “The district attorney should be careful not to be seen as making a power grab from rabbinic authority.” Zwiebel’s statement followed the joint statement of the Moetzes Gedolai HaTorah of Agudath Israel of America and the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah (The National Society for Hebrew Day Schools) in which they expressed their “vigorous” opposition to the Markey Bill, legislation that would extend the statute of limitations for the filing of criminal charges and civil claims in cases of childhood sexual abuse and open a limited one year window for currently time barred civil claims. In the statement, they explained that their decision was based on a fear of the “crippling financial liability” that could result from lawsuits that would jeopardize “the very existence” of yeshivas and communal institutions. Clearly they believe we have a serious problem.
From statements like these, one does not have to be a cynic to conclude that the rabbinic establishment has a vested interest in keeping reports of abuse within the community. For leaders who could be facing criminal and civil liability, invoking concepts like mesira and chilul Hashem to stop people from reporting is little more than a form of self-protection. Self-protection that, as the past 40 years have shown, has come at the expense of the protection of our community’s children.
Relying on the members of the Agudah’s Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah and Torah Umesorah’s Vaad Roshei Yeshiva, Chasidic rebbes, and community leaders such as Rabbi Joshua (Shia) Fishman of Torah Umesorah (who among other things, assisted Lipa Margulies of Yeshiva Torah Temimah as he intimidated victims of Yehuda Kolko from 1984 until 2006) and Rabbi David Niederman of United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg (UJO) (who continues to actively protect pedophiles such as Rabbi Avrohom Reichman, still teaching in a Satmar boys school despite years of complaints) has netted our community the likes of Avrohom Mondrowitz (Chicago, IL, Brooklyn, NY and Jerusalem, Israel), Yehuda Kolko (Brooklyn, NY and Sullivan County, NY and Lakewood, NJ), Avrohom Reichman (Brooklyn, NY and Sullivan County, NY), Stephen Colmer (Brooklyn, NY, Passaic, NJ and Kiryat Sefer, Israel) Michael Sabo (Brooklyn, NY), Yona Weinberg (Brooklyn, NY), Israel Weingarten (New York, United Kingdom, Belgium and Israel) to name just a few.
More importantly, the cover-ups have resulted in hundreds of victims whose abuse could have been prevented. Dealing with reports of sexual abuse internally covers-up the crime, usually with catastrophic results when the pedophile strikes again–something we are hearing about daily in reports about the Catholic Church and frighteningly in our own community as well.
The Torah teaches us to avoid offering counsel in situations where we may be a Nogea B’Dovor (an interested party). This applies equally to rabbis, whom the Torah nowhere exempts from this rule. As such, because of their inherent conflicts of interest in this issue, I respectfully suggest that rabbis be precluded from being involved in this issue except in very limited ways–namely, encouraging people publicly and in private to go directly to the authorities and supporting them practically, emotionally and socially in that process.
I continue to hope for a day when our rabbinic leadership will publicly praise those who have the courage to report abusers to the police and join in our efforts to make our community safer for children.
In the meantime it’s up to us to lead by example. In the past few years more and more of us have been doing just that. We’ve created organizations whose mission is to support victims and their families who are dealing with cases of sexual abuse. These grassroots organizations provide referrals to mental health professionals, referrals to law enforcement as well as support and assistance as the case proceeds, support groups for survivors and their families, offer clinicians and advocates training to better deal with this issue and promote legislation that protect our children. These efforts are changing the way we as a community view and deal with this sensitive issue and in the words of Rabbi Shalom Yosef Elyashiv, in this there is a benefit to society.
Ben Hirsch is the president of Survivors for Justice ( ), an organization that advocates on behalf of survivors of sexual abuse and their families in the Orthodox community.
He gave sexual abuse survivors such hope when he declared he would out all the yeshivot harboring molesters.
Truth be told it was a lot of hogwash. I am very disappointed with his unfulfilled promises.
VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI admitted to world cardinals Monday that he led a "wounded and sinner" Church, as he marked five tumultuous years in charge, most recently mired in paedophile priest scandals.
The pontiff "evoked the sins of the Church", describing it as "wounded and sinner" to some 50 cardinals gathered for his anniversary, the Vatican daily L'Osservatore Romano said.
He "feels very strongly that he is not alone", the paper reported the pontiff as saying, he "has at his sides the whole college of cardinals who are sharing with him vicissitudes and reassurance".
Good article:
Shabbat Shalom
What is ever going to happen to the 'one year window' bill, does EM think it willever get passed?
It's unfair to have so much suffering go unpunished, and even more brutal to have Aguda oppose it so fiercly.
I'm another sexual abuser.
Ex-gov't man sentenced for sex crimes
Nissim Aharon abused women, would tell them his sperm were "holy.”
Nissim Aharon, who defrauded women and families and stole their money, has been convicted for severe sexual crimes, including rape, sodomy and offensive behavior. After a media gag order on the case was lifted Monday, it was announced that Aharon had been sentenced to 10 years in jail for severe sexual crimes.
Aharon impersonated a rabbi, a Mossad agent, and a Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) employee. Up until a year and a half ago, he was employed by the Defense Ministry.
Aharon presented himself for 16 years as a holy spiritual rabbi with special healing powers, exploiting women and girls and telling them that “his sperm were holy.”.
As per the court's decision, Aharon will be required to pay NIS 100,000 to the five women who filed the complaint against him.
In a statement, the judges said, “His behavior is corrupt, and it can only be called monstrous. There aren’t enough words to describe the atrocity of his actions.”
While pretending to be a rabbi, Ahraon reportedly proclaimed that it was forbidden to speak with him face-to-face, and would only accept telephone calls. When the innocent women would call the “rabbi” in order to ask for his help or opinion, Aharon would only permit the call after he had changed his voice and pretended to be the renowned “rabbi.”
After many calls back and forth between the “rabbi” and the women, he would tell the women that his helper, Aharon, actually had special healing powers and if they had sexual relations with him, their problems would be answered.
In one specific case, a female soldier called up the “rabbi” in order to ask for help in acquiring a certain position in the army. Aharon referred her to an “officer in that office,” who he impersonated when she proceeded to call the number.
Aharon then proceeded to give the soldier special tasks to “prove her ability.” One of these tasks was to conduct a love affair with a person he directed her to - which was, of course, Aharon himself.
Over the years, Aharon attracted a substantial following of people who believed in his ‘powers.’ These followers would approach him for advice and direction, and paid the suspect what collectively appears to be hundreds of thousands of shekels.
“He is a sick con-man who has violated many families,” a source said of the suspect. Up until this point, 10 victims approached police to complain about Aharon’s deception, but the source believed that “this is only the tip of the iceberg. We can expect more victims to turn up in this case."
"This is illegal, what we're doing," Ben Haim, 58, of Long Branch said to Dwek on Oct. 31, 2007, according to court documents.
A year earlier, Ben Haim, at the time the principal rabbi at the Congregation Ohel Yaacov in Deal, bluntly stated, "I'm a money launderer. . . . I'm going to be arrested."
On July 23, 2009, Ben Haim and 43 others were arrested in a massive FBI sting that targeted political corruption and money laundering. Ben Haim has pleaded not guilty.
Charged with laundering $1.5 million through Dwek, a failed real estate developer who turned government witness after being arrested by the FBI, Ben Haim has taken a leave of absence from the Ocean Avenue synagogue whose 2002 construction he helped supervise.
His father, Haham Baruch Ben Haim, who died in 2005, was a highly respected rabbi and scholar who had led the congregation for 55 years.
Earlier this month, three Brooklyn men — Yeshaye Ehrental, Schumel Cohen and Akiva Aryeh Weiss — pleaded guilty in federal court to transmitting up to $1.8 million to Ben Haim and Dwek, the government's key witness in the case against the rabbi. Ben Haim's lawyer, Lawrence S. Lustberg, recently requested a postponement of trial until May 31 to engage in additional plea negotiations.
Should the case against Ben Haim go to trial, Dwek, Ehrental, Cohen and Weiss all could be witnesses against the rabbi..
I just wish they would shut down this hellhole already. Your talking daily physical abuse and we all know about the pedophiles in this "yeshiva" - not a place anyone should send a kid to.
If they could amend to include a bill that extends the SOL then why are the Moetzes so afraid? Obviously they know it would be a train wreak for them.
Sexual Abuse Rampant Across Denominations.
By Golumba
April 12, 2010, 4:54PM has done yeoman's work unfurling the hidden sex abuse in the Jewish community that's NOW going on, to the detriment of the children. This isn't about egregious abuse from 15 to 50 years ago, like the horrific Catholic history, but forums addressing crimes against New jersey children occuring NOW in Passaic, Lakewood and Teaneck. It's a familiar, but ghastly, routine: The victim reports the molestation to a rabbi, rather than face SHUNNING...not only for himself, but also for his entire family... by the whole community for bringing the crime to the attention of the police. When the rabbi takes the complaint of sexual abuse, the matter is covered up, handled "in house". Thanks to a new honesty, pedophile arrests are up 800% in Brooklyn, alone, amongst the Orthodox Jewish community.
In Lakewood, N.J., the "Rome" of Orthodox Judaism, the arrest of a Yeshiva teacher for molesting a young boy was a beginning, just last July. Nonetheless, pressure remains to let the child victims suffer and to clear all criminal abuse through a rabbi, and a closed rabbinical court. As one blogger noted, these religious leaders deny that "pedophilia is not a right of those in authority". In New Jersey, all matters that have been brought before a rabbinical court involving sexual abuse need to be brought to the attention of the police and the district attorney. This is an ongoing criminal conspiracy if rabbinical authorities are covering up crimes against children. Where's the Grand Jury?
Next: Brooklyn Orthodox sexual abuse and the good works of DA Charles "Joe" Hynes, a Catholic prosecutor with close ties to the new Orthodox reformers. A year ago he brought 26 sexual abuse cases against Yeshiva teachers, rabbis, camp counselors, merchants, and relatives of children. Yet, one Brooklyn rabbi cited Jewish law that calls for the killing of a Jew who informs on another Jew...even a pedophile. It gets worse.
Rubashkin Sentence Hearing Starting Today
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – The sentence hearing for Sholom Rubashkin is scheduled to start this morning in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, as the final stages of a lobbying and tefillah campaign on behalf of the ex-manager of the former Agriprocessors Inc. gains intensity in Jewish communities worldwide. Full articleHamodia
14 Iyar 5770 (28.04.2010)
Yob Sux:
The powers in Albany evidently are being influenced by lobbyists from the Catholic and Jewish groups.
They will catch a murderer 100 years later and prosecute, but a little boy or girl that grows up doesn't have that luxury.
The SOL is a paradise haven for pedophiles. The yielding to any amendment which opens a window is a hurdle that one day may come to pass, but not without a humongous mountain to climb.
How Other Religious Organizations Echo the Roman Catholic Church's Rule Against Scandal, A Precept that Entrenches and Perpetuates Cycles of Child Sex Abuse: Orthodox Judaism, Part Two in a Two-Part Series
Thursday, April 29, 2010
What is ever going to happen to the 'one year window' bill, does EM think it willever get passed?
I am cautiously optimistic. The fact is the cracks are opening ever so larger by the day. Soon the Torah midgets will die
and we'll be better off.
There are many folks in a position to help. Unfortunately --- they have selfishly abstained from intervening, and as a result many souls have died.
Shabbat Shalom
Cardinal William Levada, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has indicated that the Pope may apologise to victims of paedophile priests in June. Read the full transcript of his interview with Margaret Warner of PBS Newshour.
Margaret asked: 'There are reports that the pope is going to make a general apology next June. A public apology at the conclusion of a Jubilee here, are those accurate? And if so what kind of apology?'
Cardinal Levada responded: 'You know I'm not a good prophet. The Pope, he's Pope, and I'm the head of this congregation. I tell him what I'm doing but he doesn't tell me everything he is going to do, so whether he is going to do that or not we'll have to wait and see but I wouldn't be surprised.'
He also indicated that he believes the sexual revolution of the 1960s is partly to blame for the crisis: 'I think the causes we will see go back to changes in society that the church and priests were not prepared for, particularly changes involving how to be a celibate person in a time of the sexual revolution, that's one of the causes I'd say.'
He said the Pope is writing a 'beautiful' letter to the Catholic Church in Ireland, which has been particularly badly hit and where the Archbishop of Armagh is expected to resign soon. He said he found the Irish letter 'moving' and hinted that there may well be more episcopal resignations. He said the Pope was prepared to ask bishops to resign where they did not go voluntarily.
After the Wednesday audience in Rome today, the Pope met Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a former winner of The Times Preacher of the Year Award. Rabbi Shmuley urged him to restore family values to the heart of the church by making every Friday a special family day.
Rabbi Shmuley told me that he also met the Bishop of Sherborne Dr Graham Kings. I've put in a call to Dr Kings in Rome and will let you know what he says if he comes back to me!
Technorati Tags: child abuse, Christianity, PBS Newshour, Pope, religion, Roman Catholic
5-year sentence handed to mother of Elior Chen's abuse victims
Published: 05.02.10, 14:45 / Israel News
Jerusalem District Court Judge Zvi Segal sentenced M., the mother of the children abused in the "abusive rabbi" case to five years in prison and two years on probation as part of a plea bargain.
The judge ruled, "Reading the indictment evokes a range of varied and powerful emotions, as well as shuddering and horror that the mother of eight small children abandoned them entirely to the care of (Elior) Chen, and carried out his will as if under a spell, absent of any capacity for judgment or distinguishing between permissible and forbidden." (Aviad Glickman)
i proomese i vusnt de driver who leftthe caar bomb in times sqver. i vus mit yudi kolko on motzey shbbes trying to make a cemp fer boys.
Good source of information here.
Alleged and Convicted Sex Offender Registry
Clergy Abuse: Rabbis, Cantors & Other Trusted Officials
Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people; neither shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thy neighbor" (Leviticus 19:16).
TAMPA - Nosson Deitsch was following a family tradition.
Of the 12 sons and daughters Zalman Deitsch, one of Brooklyn's leading Jewish scholars, 10 were rabbis or married to rabbis, said Nechemia Deitsch, one of Nosson's older brothers.
Nosson Deitsch, the youngest sibling at 21, was studying at the Lubavitch Yeshiva in Miami, his older brother said. Nosson was almost finished with his studies and about to be ordained as a rabbi.
Now he is being mourned.
On Sunday, Nosson Deitsch was operating a personal watercraft on the north side of the Courtney Campbell Causeway, where he was struck by another personal watercraft, Tampa police said. Deitsch was knocked into the water. He was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital by Tampa Fire Rescue and later pronounced dead. The police department's Marine Patrol is investigating.
Moshe Weiff, 19, of Miami, was driving the other personal watercraft, said Tampa Police spokeswoman Laura McElroy. If someone were driving a personal watercraft recklessly, that would constitute a crime, McElroy said. The state attorney's office, she said, would decide whether to charge anyone, McElroy said.
Deitsch was in the area helping the Brandon Chabad during the Jewish holiday of Lag B'omer, according to Rabbi Mendel Rubashkin, who is also Deitsch's cousin.
"He came to give a little spark and support to our community," said Rubashkin.
Deitsch had been talking about going on a Jet Ski since arriving here on Wednesday, said Rubashkin.
"He was really looking forward to it," the rabbi said.
Rubashkin remembers his cousin as a "gregarious young man.
"He was always the life of the party," said Rubashkin. "But he took his studies seriously."
Deitsch had gone to Miami from his native Brooklyn not just to study, but also to serve as a mentor to younger students, according to rabbi Velvel Lipskier, of Chabad Miami.
"He chose to come here because he wanted to help out the younger students," said Lipskier. "The boys requested, specially, that he come to the Yeshiva here. They really loved him. He was a beautiful person."
Though those who knew him say Deitsch always had a smile on his face but had to overcome some personal tragedy.
He was particularly upset, say both Rubashkin and Lipskier, by the death of his father in 2007.
"He faced enough challenges in his life," said Rubashkin, "but instead of letting it get him down, he always picked up everyone else around him."
Deitsch's older brother had fond memories.
"He was one of the most charismatic, friendly people," Nechemia Deitsch said of his brother. "He had friends all over the world. He was a social guy and one of the most learned."
Choni Marozov, the husband of one of Nosson's first cousins, remembers him "as a very sweet boy."
"He was a very kind individual," said Marozov, who lives in Los Angeles.
The late Zalman Deitsch was in the textile business and a leader in Brooklyn's Chabad community, Marozov said.
"His dream was for his children to grow up to be not just rabbis, but to be leaders of the community and bring Jews closer to Judaism," he said.
After a day playing on the water, Deitsch was supposed to go back to Brandon for a holiday barbecue, according to Rubashkin.
Instead, the friends he made in Brandon traveled to Brooklyn, where Deitsch was scheduled to be buried Monday afternoon.
"Times like this are trying," said Rubashkin. "Whenever you see someone so young, a good student and a good person, have their life ended so tragically, the only respons
I am exctatic to have my dear friend, Moshe Hirsch, join me and my virgins.
Moshe Hirsch, an American-born anti-Zionist rabbi and close associate of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, has died in Jerusalem, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group said Monday. He was 86.
Hirsch was a leading figure in Neturei Karta, a tiny ultra-Orthodox sect that opposes Israel's existence as a Jewish state and has embraced its enemies. He was born in New York and attended a rabbinical academy in New Jersey.
Arafat, who died in 2004, appointed Hirsch his adviser on Jewish affairs.
The group is known for its members' 2006 trip to Iran, where they embraced the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a Holocaust-denying conference. It also supports Gaza's Hamas rulers and the Lebanese Hezbollah militants.
These alliances have drawn criticism even from other anti-Zionist Jewish groups, which believe that only the Messiah can establish a Jewish state.
Neturei Karta, which is Aramaic for "Guardians of the City," was founded some 70 years ago in Jerusalem by Jews who opposed the drive to establish the state of Israel. Estimates of the group's size range from a few hundred to a few thousand. Hirsch was the son-in-law of the group's founder, Rabbi Aharon Katzenelbogen.
Eida Haredit, an umbrella group of anti-Zionist Jewish sects, confirmed Hirsch died on Sunday.
Hatem Abdel Qader, an adviser on Jerusalem affairs to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said he would take part in a Palestinian delegation to pay respects to the late rabbi.
"We consider Rabbi Hirsch a part of the Palestinian people," said Abdel Qader. "He is one of the Palestinian Jews whom we give all respect and this is to confirm that our problem is not with the Jews as a religion, it's with Zionism."
Hirsch, who was buried Sunday, is survived by three children and a brother.
Get a load of this. The sex abuse issues are all the catholics making a big to do about us jews. We as holy people don't molest. Period!
We take no responsibility for this hit. Rav Belsky first sends Hazmanas before giving us the go ahead. In this case it was not such.
Jerusalem - An Israeli rabbi who founded a religious school for reformed criminals has been arrested on suspicion of wounding one of his students in a gangland style drive-by shooting, police said on Wednesday.
Local media said the 47-year-old rabbi, who has not been named, was the masked motorcyclist who fired two rifle shots at seminary student Eliyahu Liberty, 23, wounding him in the leg.
"He is suspected of having fired from a motorcycle at one of his students," Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben Ruby told AFP.
The attack took place in January but reports were banned by a court gag order which was only lifted on Tuesday. The rabbi was arrested last month.
Dear Exposemolesters,
I happened on this blog surfing for molesters in my area.
I am deeply sorry for the terrible way abuse is shoved aside causing such intense pain and anguish.
As a molest victim myself, I totally understand the lobbying on behalf of the silenced men and women. In my eyes you are a champion.
Please continue on and GOD BLESS!
Who We Are
SFJ is an advocacy, educational and support organization for survivors of sexual abuse and their families from the Orthodox Jewish world.
SFJ sees itself as the address for people from Orthodox Jewish communities who are looking for help and guidance with the issue of abuse within the Orthodox community. Working closely with qualified mental health, law enforcement, legal and media professionals, we respond to the needs and desires of individual victims and then help them formulate and pursue a plan of action (whether it's finding a therapist, filing a report with the police, responding effectively to threats and intimidation, filing a civil suit, speaking to the media, etc.).
We also develop and implement programs run by experts in various fields to help educate and empower members of the community. We offer survivor support groups, as well as support groups for parents. For those in the field we sponsor an 8-week course taught by experts in the field of trauma and sexual abuse geared toward mental health professionals and lay people who work on the front lines dealing with this issue in their communities. We also run summer education programs and discussion groups for mothers.
Our aim with these programs is not only to educate people but to facilitate the creation of supportive networks within the community. We believe that the often paralyzing fear -- of being accused of being a moser, of not getting a "good shidduch", of social ostracism -- that prevents many victims from reporting can only be overcome when victims know they can rely on the social support of others.
An international expert on sexual abuse recovery is shocked by new ACC guidelines that require victims to be diagnosed with a mental injury to be eligible for compensation.
American Mike Lew is a world renowned psychotherapist from Boston who was in Hamilton today leading a workshop for health professionals who work with male survivors of sexual abuse.
He said New Zealand's compensation system was once a world leader.
"I travel the world taking these types of workshops and ACC's enlightened stance on sexual abuse survivors was pioneering in how it supported survivors, which in turn facilitated positive growth and healing," Mr Lew said.
But ACC's new criteria were a "real tragedy that would cause tremendous suffering," he said.
It also angers Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust (MSSAT) national manager Ken Clearwater.
"I have been to international workshops with Mike (Lew) and people were blown away by ACC's stance in the past – but now the Government is getting it all wrong and my major concern is that Nick Smith and the prime minister have been given misleading information in terms of clinical pathways," Mr Clearwater said.
More than 80 doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and counsellors were taking part in today's workshop at Hamilton Gardens, where Mr Lew hopes to change attitudes about the way male survivors are supported by all health professionals.
"A lot of the pioneering work done on sexual abuse recovery was mainly by women for women – but we need to look at new models and recognise the different needs of males," Mr Lew said.
One in six males is thought to have suffered some form of sexual abuse including child sexual abuse, rape, physical violence, emotional abuse and neglect.
Mr Lew said there was a lot of "misinformation, fear and shame about what disclosure would mean" for male survivors.
"People wrongly believe a boy that's abused grows up to be an abuser – but that is not true.
"Most of them grow up to be protectors, it's a small minority that go the other way" he said.
While Mr Lew works with both men and women who have been abused, he said males found it much harder to come forward.
"It's important to emphasise the strengths of male socialisation and not try and fit men into a model that doesn't fit," he said.
It was important for health professionals to create respect and safety for clients.
"After that survivors themselves can go on to do extraordinary work.
"I think it's important to remember that for both males and females recovery is real – all of the work they do does pay off and life does get better," he said.
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